Carl the builder tells me they are moving downstairs...not that upstairs is finished, there's lots of stuff still to do up there, but it is taking shape!
At the end of last week they were fitting the door catches, so now the doors can actually be closed (and even locked).
It looks very different to when we first saw it, now there are floors where there weren't any - but now also no floor where there was one - the downstairs corridor is floorless (certainly not flawless) and the staircase is jacked up.
The termite treatment we had done was shown to be more than necessary, but a few extra supports here and there should do the job.
We have taken over one of the bedrooms to store the light fittings out of harm's way, though there's still a few other things being stored in there too.
This is one of the rooms that has changed dramatically over the last week as the fireplace and marble mantel went in, so now we can keep warm in winter -as long as we manage to get the gas supply sorted - that's just another hiccup!!
The numerous packages of cabinetry that were in the garage are slowly making their way into the house, and being put is almost like a giant jigsaw puzzle with a few picture clues...the labelling on the packages can be rather misleading - for example all the bathroom vanity cabinets were in a large number of packages all labelled kitchen 4!!
A number of packages are in the master suite, trying to fathom what's what - and here there is one package of the built in wardrobe (it belongs here) but also a package of bookcase (which belongs in the study) and another for the sideboard!
...and in the sitting area of the master suite there is a door jamb and a few windows - not sure where they need to go!
Just down a few stairs (on what we like to pretentiously call the mezzanine level, the shower room and the bath house have finally had their render finished.
Looks pretty awful at the moment!
Next step is to do the few stairs and the landing so we have levels right...and then we can start plumbing and tiling. How exciting its that??
The junk room off the rear verandah (affectionately termed the Theatre on the plans) is ready for the floor to be levelled too.
So to downstairs - still a big mess....
but the lounge walls no longer have big holes in them,
the kitchen/meals/family area has a floor
and the dining room is now the wood workshop.
The gyprock which will separate the dining room from the guest bedroom will finally be in place this week (cross your fingers) as will the downstairs ceilings, which will make a huge difference.
and a few nice touches as the glaziers moved in to install the bevelled glass around the front door.
...and today a very sweet moment as we learned that our plans have been approved by heritage and we can now move forward on some of those areas that we have been circling around just in case!!!
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