The painting continues - three more coats matching the house colour...the number included so it is clear in relief. Then the letterbox face is added.
All simple, effective, classy - like the rest of the house (if not the owners)...
We are mighty pleased, and ready to get our hands dirty with some landscaping...
Mik has already planted some ivy to grow up the side of his house, so that eventually our eastern side will be green, now we do our bit:
A weekend of extra levelling and rubble removal, then Monday deliveries of lawn underlay and turf then lots of hard yakka (and help from neighbour Mik ) and by the end of Monday we had lawn.
The rest of the week; good soil, cow manure and more hard yakka - and in go the roses along the front fence and the Bacopa along the entry way, followed by a weekend of mulching and lots of watering...
The next weekend and there's a bit more planting...Plum surprise along the border with number 18,
and a sprinkler system to boot.