Thursday, 26 January 2017

Going, going...

It's the scaffolding...

 It's going...

It's gone from around the house...

It's going on the back of a truck...

and it's gone!!

and for the next trick - a skip to arrive, a clean up to do then the next stage...

It's looking magnificent.
People are stopping to stare and comment and congratulate.

Thanks GTS Construction.

We are proud!!

We have done Newcastle and the Heritage Council proud...

Back on deck

Back on deck (HA HA) after Christmas. more blustrading, more painting.

The balustrading went up to check the fit and do the cut and paste, then it went down - for rustproofing and painting, then it went up and was refitted - a rather large and heavy jigsaw puzzle.

and it was repainted. along with the columns...

but's coming together!

....and then there was the key frieze to go through the whole process too....

The last piece of key frieze slots into place


Looking good at least from this side.
From the other side - not so good yet - the scaffolding needs to go and the site needs to be tidied and then we can move onto the next stage!!!

Sunday, 1 January 2017

Upper storey

The verandah is really taking shape as the second storey is constructed.

The leverage on that crane is rather large!

Slowly but surely the steel inners and then the upper columns are put into place:

...and then the roof goes on and the columns get a coat of paint:

...leaving the gap for the key frieze

and the balustrading begins...
We are getting there!