Over the next little while, painters will be finishing off upstairs, more skirting boards will go on, the renderers will continue. Then there's cabinets to sort so that wet areas can be taken to the next step...plumbers and then tilers!
While it doesn't immediately seem that lots of work has been done, closer examination shows that there has been lots of time consuming preparatory work done in many areas - so the next few weeks should see more obvious progress. Each time it feels a little more like a house, at least upstairs where much of the work has been done.
The doors now have handles (and locks),
and the corbells and rosettes have been put on the cornice
(The downstairs hallway doesn't even have a ceiling yet!)
I suppose this time the 'wow' bit was seeing the sides of the staircase - mainly because it was a wonderful surprise!!!
As soon as upstairs is at 'first finish' stage the stairs will be refurbished. We think we will be able to save the risers, but the treads and noses will need complete replacement!
The painters have been busy stripping paint as well as putting it on - the back verandah supporting beams have been petty well cleaned up as well as the woodwork around the arch...looking better each time, though obviously still a work in progress!
There has been some work downstairs, and the lounge looks particularly interesting with a unique patchwork finish to it where the plaster has been removed (that pesky drumming again).
There's still a long way to go!
But for a breath of fresh air, beautiful Newcastle beach is only three hundred metres away...