Wednesday, 23 April 2014

The Grand Vista

OK so the scaffolding IS still up (upper storey windows and doors still to fit - and flueing to do)... but the front top half of the building is looking really schmick...complete with 'balls' up!

 We hope to re-establish 'the Grand Vista' and the picture gives an inkling of why it earned that name and what it will look like... 

Until, that is, the proposed modern three storey building is constructed on the site next door, between the column (and person) and the house.

The new  building will go along the full length of Coutts Sailors Home including the verandah at the front (which isn't there now) and up to gutter height almost hiding Coutts completely from view. 

What is more, the plot of land is part of the Heritage Listed Convict Lumber Yard which also has evidence of very early aboriginal settlement!
Facing the Convict Lumber Yard will be a brick wall taller than that column.
We have put in an objection and are hoping that we will be able to discuss issues with them prior to DA approval.

In the meantime our slightly modified plans are with the Heritage Council of NSW for approval, and in the meantime we continue with all those things that are currently approved, doing our best to save what is left that is salvageable and replacing what isn't with clones!! There's over 500 metres of cornice on order, and similar lengths of cedar architraves and skirting board.

Next instalment - inside progress...very positive!!

Monday, 14 April 2014

Balls up!

Just a recolour and then...

..and just look at that view from up there!

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

More progress

Up to Newcastle on Saturday April 5, back on Sunday April 6; tiring (especially if you fit in a 10km run too), but exciting.

The renderers have finished the top half of the building...

...and we even have the concrete balls ready to be tarted up then go back up (along with pigeon deterrents).
There's a rod going through them into the building to make sure they don't fall off.

The scaffolding is still up so we can't yet see it in all its glory, but you can get a feel for how it will look.

Al was happy and the sun was shining!

Inside there's also been lots of progress, though it is still very much a building site!! As expected there have been some hiccups...much of the plaster on the walls was 'drumming' meaning that when you tapped it it sounded hollow (like a drum), indicating that the plaster was no longer well attached to the walls and was in danger of all crumbling off. 

So the walls were adorned with fluorescent green and pink circles, crosses and squiggles (very pretty), the plaster helped off and now replaced along with what looks like chicken wire to make sure it stays tight!

Other hiccups have included having to abandon the idea of keeping the two remaining wood ceilings when they demonstrated that they were just a few splinters, and acknowledging that the number of windows that we can actually redeem is fewer than hoped. 

While many of the joists will stay in place, many are needing to be rather supplemented with new ones for safety's sake.

The gyprockers have also been at work and we have ceilings in many of the upstairs rooms They actually feel like rooms now!

We spent three hours on site with Anthony going through a LONG list of questions and trying to come up with options and solutions (or more things to research). More time the next day to rethink...
Enough decisions made to keep the builders going for another week anyway!